Where kids have a blast serving Jesus.
Get ready for an outdoor adventure that starts in your own backyard and gets bigger
as kids take the love of Jesus into their neighborhoods and communities! At God’s
Backyard Bible Camp, kids will participate in the large-group excitement of Backyard
Bash, experience God’s Word at Backyard Bible Club, learn ways to serve others
at Community Corner, plus explore and create through fun-filled crafts, snacks, and
games. Just step outside, take a look over the fence, and help kids discover how much
fun they can have serving at Backyard Bible Camp!
During Backyard Bash, kids will discover how much fun service can be and they
will be challenged to serve their families, friends, neighbors communities, and Jesus.
At Backyard Bible Club, kids will commit to serving! Then they will head off to
Community Corner where they will hear stories of other kids and adults making a big
difference in their backyards!
Your kids won’t want to miss this adventure at Backyard Bible Camp!
Secure their positions on a backyard crew today!