Just Exchange It - The Joy of an Easy Return Policy
You cannot eliminate a thought directly; only exchanges are permitted. Resisting an unwarranted thought only entangles you and drives that thought deeper into your mind, making it even more of a distraction. You can do away with a negative thought only when you exchange it with a positive thought.
Your conscious mind holds only one that at a time, and that single thought is either in alignment with your potential for joy or it is not. This is great news because it means you can swap an average thought with a brilliant thought or a fearful thought with a courageous thought whenever you choose.
When you preoccupy your mind with God’s word you go a long way toward shutting out temptation. By committing scripture verses to memory, you begin the process of forcing out negative, limited thoughts and replacing them with the marvelous power and potential of God’s promises.
God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble (Psalm 46:10)
You guide me with your course, leading me to a glorious destiny (Psalm 73:24)
You will know the truth and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32)
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13)
There is no need to cling to thoughts that haven’t produced joyful fruit in your life. If you want to gain emotional strength, first gain mental control. Build a healthier attitude of mind, one thought at a time. You hold the power. If you try on a new thought and it doesn’t work for you, exchange it.